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/ Updated October 27th, 2023

11 Ovarian Cancer Tests Used for Patient Diagnosis

'Warrior Cheerleader' Mom, 40, Thought Her Night Sweats & Fatigue Was Due To Perimenopause, But It Was Late-Stage Lymphoma
Mom, 28, Finds 11-Lb Ovarian Tumor at 33 Weeks Pregnant and Doctors Perform Emergency C-Section and Surgery to Remove Cancer
Olivia Munn, 43, Discovers Aggressive Breast Cancer in Unusual Way
Simple Stick Test Saved 58-Year-Old Dad Diagnosed With Stage 3 Bowel Cancer Despite Displaying No Symptoms
Irregular Periods Dismissed By Doctor, Miami Woman, 34, Diagnosed With Cervical Cancer 14 Years Later
Early Screening Saves Lives: For 'Anne With An E' Star Miranda McKeon, 22, And So Many Women, Dramatic New Evidence About Getting Mammograms Sooner

Hope. Science.


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