Breast Cancer Clinical Trial

Effect on Body Movement and Mental Skills in Patients Who Received Gadolinium-based Contrast Media for Magnetic Resonance Examination Multiple Times Within 5 Years


This study is a postmarketing requirement jointly carried out by four NDA holders (Bayer AG, Bracco, GE Healthcare and Guerbet) and the CRO IQVIA.

The study aims to create detailed images of the organs and tissue of the human body during x-ray, CT-scan or MRI investigations, doctors are using contrast media (a kind of dye) which can be given to patients by injection into a blood vessel or by mouth.

In this study researchers want to find out whether so called gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) have an effect on body movement and mental skills when given to participants multiple times within 5 years.

The study plans to enroll about 2076 participants suffering from a condition for which they are likely to have at least annually a MRI or another imaging examinations. Only adults up to 65 years will be considered to join this study. During the study duration of 5 years participants will receive annually a MRI or other imaging tests (such as CT-scan, x-ray) and will visit the study doctor at least 7 times for physical examinations, laboratory investigations and tests on body movement and mental skills.

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Full Description

The primary objective of the study is to assess the potential effect of repeated exposure to either a linear or a macrocyclic gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA) on change from baseline to Year 5 in composite measure of motor and cognitive function among neurologically normal adults in comparison to a matched non-GBCA- exposed control group.

The secondary objectives comprise the assessment of the following endpoints in GBCA-exposed participants as compared to controls a) changes from baseline in composite measure of motor and cognitive function post-baseline on yearly basis (Years 1 to 4); b) changes from baseline in each individual test of motor and cognitive function on yearly basis (Years 1 to 5). Total Gd concentrations in blood and urine samples on yearly basis (Years 1 to 5) and adverse events will be collected as secondary objectives.

Of note : The study is considered interventional because of the addition of UE-MRI scans for all participants, as well as blood sampling and the administration of the motor and cognitive tests. The GBCA administered as part of the contrast-enhanced MR imaging in the experimental arms is not the intervention in this study. Neither the protocol nor the investigators assign patients to a specific GBCA as part of the study, making this part of the study observational rather than interventional. The participants were already scheduled, prior to study screening, to undergo CE-MRI as part of their clinical care. The choice of GBCA for the CE-MRI will be based on medical need and institutional usage of GBCA, independent of study participation.

View Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

Participant must be neurologically normal, defined as free of unstable neurologic and psychiatric disease as confirmed by a normal neurologic examination at screening
Participant (GBCA-exposed or controls) agrees to undergo unenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (UE-MRI) of the brain at enrollment and at the end of the observation period (5 years)
Participants should have at least 1 of the following indications: a) Medium to high risk for breast cancer or dense breasts undergoing breast cancer screening with MRI, b) Elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and under active diagnostic surveillance for prostate cancer, c) Chronic liver disease (eg, liver cirrhosis limited to Child class A, post-hepatitis chronic hepatopathy, or primary sclerosing cholangitis) for surveillance of hepatocellular carcinoma development, d) Low-grade colorectal cancer or neuroendocrine tumor undergoing screening for liver metastases or e) Branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas (maximum size ≤2 cm) undergoing imaging surveillance.

In addition, for participants in the GBCA Arms only:

Each participant should be likely to undergo ≥5 GBCA-enhanced MR examinations with the same GBCA at least annually throughout the 5-year study duration
Prospective participants with up to 3 well documented GBCA administrations prior to study screening are acceptable, provided that the imaging was performed with the same GBCA as the one to be prospectively used in the study. If the GBCA used cannot be identified, he/she cannot be enrolled.

For the Control Arm:

Participants who never had and are not likely to receive any GBCA injection during the course of the study
Each control participant must be willing to undergo UE-MRI of the brain at baseline and at Year 5. In Years 1 to 4, the control participants will undergo their clinically indicated UE-MRIs, computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, or X-ray procedures

Exclusion Criteria:

As evidenced by history or determined in the neurologic exam at screening, concurrent neurological and/or psychiatric disease (or treatments) that could influence the results of the study's motor and cognitive tests (e.g. Cerebrovascular disease, Multiple sclerosis, Neurodegenerative disease, Malignant disease other than listed in indications, Carcinoid tumors, Epilepsy, Prior neurosurgery, Psychotic disorders or any prior psychotic episode not otherwise specified - any documented prior history of chronic schizophrenia, Remittent or current medically confirmed major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, History of long-term major depression or bipolar affective disorder with an active episode in the past 2 to 5 years, Neurodevelopmental disorders (eg, trisomy 21), Uncontrolled severe migraine, Uncontrolled or controlled anxiety or depression within 6 months before enrollment, Screening scores of ≤24 on the MMSE and/or ≥11 on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)).
Prior, planned, or ongoing chemotherapy or brain irradiation
Use of concomitant medication(s) affecting neuro-cognitive or motor function
Substance or alcohol abuse as determined by the investigator
Alcoholic cirrhosis
Renal disease, defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
History of environmental/occupational/other exposure to one or more chemicals that may affect cognitive and/or motor function, including, but not limited to, heavy metals (arsenic [As], cadmium [Cd], lead [Pb], manganese [Mn], and mercury [Hg]), pesticides, solvents, or carbon monoxide.
Clinical indications requiring >1 contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CE-MRI) every 6 months
Pregnant or nursing (lactating) women
Presence of any metal-containing joint implants/prostheses

In addition, for participants in either of the GBCA Arms only:

- Receipt of a GBCA or generic prior to study entry other than the specific GBCA to be administered during the course of the study.

For participants in the Control Arm only:

Participants with any previous exposure to a GBCA.
Participants with any contraindication to UE-MRI examinations.

Study is for people with:

Breast Cancer


Phase 4

Estimated Enrollment:


Study ID:


Recruitment Status:




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There are 31 Locations for this study

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Scottsdale Medical Imaging, LLC
Scottsdale Arizona, 85260, United States More Info
Ronald Korn, MD
Principal Investigator
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven Connecticut, 06520, United States More Info
Kristin DeFrancesco
[email protected]
Jeffrey Weinreb, MD
Principal Investigator
University of Chicago Medical Center
Chicago Illinois, 60637, United States More Info
Valentine Mildred
[email protected]
Carla Harmath, MD
Principal Investigator
Central Illinois Radiological Associate, Ltd.
Peoria Illinois, 61637, United States More Info
Matthew Kuhn, MD
Principal Investigator
Massachussets General Hospital
Boston Massachusetts, 02114, United States More Info
Mukesh Harisinghani, MD
Principal Investigator
Boston University Medical Center
Boston Massachusetts, 02118, United States More Info
Jorge Soto, MD
Principal Investigator
ActivMed Practices & Research, Inc.
Methuen Massachusetts, 01844, United States More Info
Ricardo Sanchez, MD
Principal Investigator
Department of Radiology
Saint Louis Missouri, 63110, United States More Info
Pamela Woodard, MD
Principal Investigator
UNC School of Medicine
Chapel Hill North Carolina, 27599, United States More Info
Lauren Burke, MD
Principal Investigator
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas Texas, 75390, United States More Info
Sydney Haldeman Sydney
[email protected]
Takeshi Yokoo, MD
Principal Investigator
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston Texas, 77030, United States More Info
Riya Nellippallil
[email protected]
Khaled Elsayes, MD
Principal Investigator
University of Wisconsin
Madison Wisconsin, 53792, United States More Info
Nolan Caroll
[email protected]
Bruce Richard, MD
Principal Investigator
Liga Norte-Rio-Grandense Contra o Câncer
Natal Rio Grande Do Norte, 59075, Brazil More Info
Patricia Moura
[email protected]
Rita de Cassia Simoes Matheus, MD
Principal Investigator
Instituto Mederi de Pesquisa e Saude
Passo Fundo RS, 99010, Brazil More Info
Keyla Deucher
[email protected]
Cassiano Mateus Forcelini, MD
Principal Investigator
Hospital Moinhos de Vento
Porto Alegre RS, 90035, Brazil More Info
Brenda Santos
[email protected]
Guilherme Hohgraefe Neto, MD
Principal Investigator
Fundação Faculdade Regional de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto
São José Do Rio Preto SP, 15090, Brazil More Info
Luciana Cubas Volpe
[email protected]
Gustavo Girotto
Principal Investigator
CPCLIN - Centro de Pesquisas Clínicas Ltda.
São Paulo SP, 01228, Brazil More Info
Study Coordinator
Livia Martins Morais, MD
Principal Investigator
CEMEC - Oncológica
Sao Bernardo Do Campo , , Brazil More Info
Nicole Rabello
[email protected]
Luis Eduardo Werneck de Carvalho, MD
Principal Investigator
Hallym University Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital
Chuncheon Gangwon-do, 24253, Korea, Republic of More Info
YoungJi Lee
[email protected]
Dong Joon Kim, MD
Principal Investigator
Chonnam National University Hospital
Gwangju Gyeonggi-do, 61469, Korea, Republic of More Info
Hwasong Lee
[email protected]
Sang Soo Shin, MD
Principal Investigator
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Seongnam-si Gyeonggi-do, 13620, Korea, Republic of More Info
JinSil Choi
[email protected]
Won Chang, MD
Principal Investigator
Inje University Busan Paik Hospital
Busan , 47392, Korea, Republic of More Info
Hayun Jung
[email protected]
Hae Woong Jeong, MD
Principal Investigator
Pusan National University Hospital
Busan , 49241, Korea, Republic of More Info
Yun Jung
[email protected]
Jeong Heo, MD
Principal Investigator
Chosun University Hospital
Gwangju , 61453, Korea, Republic of More Info
Gyu Won Kim
[email protected]
JuYeon Cho,, MD
Principal Investigator
Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University Health System
Seoul , 06273, Korea, Republic of More Info
Joon Jeong, MD
Principal Investigator
Chung-Ang University Hospital
Seoul , 06973, Korea, Republic of More Info
DaJeong Kwon
[email protected]
Chang-hwan Choi, MD
Principal Investigator
BHI of Omsk region "Clinical Oncology Dispensary"
Omsk , 64401, Russian Federation More Info
Anastasia Leonova
[email protected]
Mikhail Dvorkin, MD
Principal Investigator
FSBI "National medical scientific center of psychiatry and neurology n.a. V.M. Bekhterev" Adolescent
Saint-Petersburg , 19201, Russian Federation More Info
Mariia Ganzenko
[email protected]
Natalia Ananyeva, MD
Principal Investigator
FSBI North-West Federal Medical Research Center n.a. V.A. Almazov of MoH RF
Saint-Petersburg , 19734, Russian Federation More Info
Vladimir Fokin
[email protected]
Vladimir Fokin, MD
Principal Investigator
LLC Medical Center Mart
Saint-Petersburg , 19917, Russian Federation More Info
Inna Pakhomova
[email protected]
Anna Kochatkova, MD
Principal Investigator
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Tomsk National Research Medical Centre of the Russia
Tomsk , 63400, Russian Federation More Info
Evgenij Grigorev,
[email protected]
Evgenij Grigorev, MD
Principal Investigator
SBIH Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary of the MoH of Republic Bashkortostan
Ufa , 45005, Russian Federation More Info
Maria Salnikova
[email protected]
Oleg Lipatov, MD
Principal Investigator

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Study is for people with:

Breast Cancer


Phase 4

Estimated Enrollment:


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