This study is being conducted to address key gaps in current knowledge and set the stage for rational design of strategies to prevent (pre-exposure to radiation), mitigate (post-exposure to radiation before overt signs/symptoms appear), and/or treat (post-onset of signs/symptoms) radiation dermatitis (itchy, dry skin or a rash on swollen, reddened skin).
Patients receiving standard-of-care postoperative radiation therapy (2-2.7 Gy per fraction) to the breast and/or chest wall for breast cancer treatment. Tissue diagnosis of breast cancer. Age > 18 years Signed informed consent. Complete blood count within normal limits within the preceding 2 weeks.
Exclusion criteria:
Induction chemotherapy or biologic therapy Concurrent chemotherapy or biologic therapy Autoimmune disease with skin manifestations - psoriasis, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, eczema, polymyositis Allergy to lidocaine anesthesia Known bleeding diathesis (anticoagulation with warfarin, coagulation/bleeding disorders, vitamin C or K deficiency, thrombocytopenia) History of keloids or easy scarring