The AIM HIGHer Clinical Trial will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Cardiac Contractility Modulation (CCM) therapy in patients with heart failure with LVEF ≥40% and ≤60%.
The AIM HIGHer Clinical Trial is a prospective, multi-center, randomized, quadruple-blind, sham-controlled, two-part embedded trial of the safety and efficacy of CCM therapy delivered via the OPTIMIZER Smart Mini System in subjects with heart failure and an LVEF ≥40% and ≤60%. Subjects will be enrolled at approximately 150 sites in the US and 75 sites OUS.
All subjects will undergo screening and baseline testing; all eligible subjects will be implanted with the Optimizer System. Subjects will be randomized in a 2:1 ratio to either CCM ON (CCM group) or to CCM OFF (Sham group). The trial will be blinded to the treatment assignment of the device for 18-months. Subjects in the Sham group will have CCM turned ON after completion of the 18-month study visit. Subjects enrolled during Part I (450 subjects) of the trial will continue follow-up through the end of Part II (up to an additional 1,050) and contribute data to both parts of the trial. Each part of the trial is distinguished by a separate scientific purpose. The specific purpose of each part is:
Part I - Establish safety and effectiveness based on functional capacity and health status.
Part II - Establish safety and effectiveness based on clinical outcome data.
Signed and dated informed consent form; Male or non-pregnant female, 18 years or older; Diagnosed with symptomatic heart failure; LVEF ≥40 and ≤60% (as assessed by echo core lab); A. Heart failure hospitalization within 12 months prior to study consent OR an urgent heart failure visit requiring IV therapy within 6 months prior to study consent, AND elevated BMI-adjusted natriuretic peptide values (Refer to Table A in Section 9.2.6) OR B. If there is no heart failure hospitalization within 12 months prior to study consent OR an urgent heart failure visit requiring IV therapy within 6 months prior to study consent, an elevated BMI-adjusted natriuretic peptide value must be achieved (Refer to Table B in Section 9.2.6) Subjects must be on stable, scheduled oral loop diuretic treatment (not only PRN) for at least 30 days prior to study consent, unless documented allergy/intolerance.
Note: Stable is defined as no more than a 100% increase or 50% decrease in dose within the last 30 days. A one-time hold of diuretic dosing for 24 hours during the 30-day period is allowed and not an exclusionary event.
Exclusion Criteria:
Resting ventricular rate <50 or >110 bpm; Resting systolic blood pressure <100 or ≥160 mmHg; BMI greater than 46 Any severe valvular stenotic disease or any severe valvular regurgitation; Mechanical tricuspid valve; Complex congenital heart disease; Exercise tolerance limited by a condition other than heart failure that, in the opinion of the investigator, contributes significantly to the primary symptoms of shortness of breath and/or exercise intolerance; Unable to walk at least 100 meters or walks more than 450 meters during a 6MWT; A KCCQ CCS score higher than 85; Hypertrophic, infiltrative/restrictive or inflammatory cardiomyopathy; Unstable angina pectoris within 30 days prior to study consent; Acute, decompensated heart failure requiring IV therapy or ultrafiltration within 30 days prior to consent, in the hospital or an outpatient setting; Receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT); Scheduled for a cardiac surgery or a percutaneous cardiac intervention (PCI) or have undergone cardiac surgery within 90 days or a PCI procedure within 30 days prior to study consent; Myocardial infarction within 90 days prior to study consent; Prior heart transplant or ventricular assist device; Planning to become pregnant during the study; Dialysis (permanent) or GFR <20 ml/min/1.73m2; Participating in another investigational study; Currently undergoing active chemotherapeutic and/or radiation treatment for cancer or has a history of chemotherapy during the 2-year period prior to study consent; Expected lifespan of less than 18 months from time of study consent;