Colon Cancer Clinical Trial

A Prospective Study for the Assessment of Recurrence Risk in Stage II Colon Cancer Patients Using ColoPrint


The aim of this study is to enroll 785 eligible stage II colon cancer patients in order to validate the performance of ColoPrint in estimating 3-year relapse rate.

Secondary objectives include comparing the objective risk assessment results from the prognostic profile (ColoPrint) to both the risk assessment based on the ASCO criteria, as well as the Investigator's independent assessment. As this is the first prospective study of ColoPrint, this study will also address the logistics and quality assurance of using ColoPrint in clinical practice.

Patient treatment is at the discretion of the physician, adhering to National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)-approved regimens or a recognized alternative.

The enrollment period will be 6 years. It is expected that 1800 to 2400 patients will be enrolled in order to obtain 785 analysable stage II samples from eligible patients. Approximately 25-35 clinical sites will be involved worldwide.

The statistical analysis will be performed by Agendia and an independent research institute or hospital.

Study Design Extension Study:

This will be a prospective study to measure the impact of ColoPrint on adjuvant treatment in stage 2 colorectal cancer patients. After surgery the tumor sample will be shipped in RNA Retain to Agendia. The online Clinical Report Form (CRF) 0 will be completed to document if the patient fulfils the inclusion criteria. Baseline clinical data and the patient and physician chemotherapy intention, patient's perceived recurrence risk and decisional conflict without knowing the ColoPrint result will be entered in CRF 1. After completion of CRF1 the ColoPrint result is released. CRF2 will be completed after the final treatment decision has been made.

This CRF will capture the patient and physician chemotherapy intention, patient's perceived recurrence risk and decisional conflict, impact of ColoPrint and the actual treatment the patient will receive. CRF3 will be completed 12 months after enrolment and will capture the patient status, patient's perceived recurrence risk and decisional conflict. CRF4 and 5 will be completed 3 and 5 years after surgery and will capture the patient status. A sample size of 210 stage 2 colon cancer patients is required to detect a 10% overall treatment change (5% significance and 90% power).

Reporting of the Results:

Blinded Study; The ColoPrint results will not be reported to the physician and/or patient at the time of enrolment. All samples will be stored in a freezer until 550-575 eligible stage II patients have been enrolled. Samples will then be analyzed in one batch in a blinded fashion from the clinical results.

Extension Study; The ColoPrint results will be reported to the physician and patient after CRF1 has been completed.

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Full Description

Primary Objective • To validate the performance of ColoPrint in estimating the 3-year relapse rate in patients with stage II colorectal cancer.

Secondary Objectives

• To assess the feasibility of using the ColoPrint test in the clinical setting.

To compare the risk assessment in stage II patients using the ColoPrint profile vs a clinical risk assessment based on 1) Investigator's assessment of risk and 2) ASCO high-risk recommendations (T4 lesions, perforation / obstruction, inadequate node sampling (less than 12 nodes) or poorly differentiated histology).
To establish the proportion of low-risk and high-risk ColoPrint profiles in stage II colorectal cancer patients in various countries.
To investigate therapy as a potential confounding factor for ColoPrint results.
To assess the performance of ColoPrint in estimating the 3-year relapse rate in patients with stage III colorectal cancer.
To compare the performance of ColoPrint vs the clinical risk assessment in estimating the 5-year relapse rate.
Assess the impact of ColoPrint on adjuvant chemotherapy treatment decisions in stage 2 colorectal cancer patients
Compare the ColoPrint results from fresh RNARetain colorectal tumor specimens to the matched formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE) colon tumor specimens for concordance.

View Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

age ≥ 18 years
adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum
stage II-III, planned to be treated with radical surgery

Exclusion Criteria:

prior malignancy with the exception of basal cell carcinoma or cervical dysplasia
any neo-adjuvant therapy
synchronous tumors

Study is for people with:

Colon Cancer

Estimated Enrollment:


Study ID:


Recruitment Status:

Unknown status



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There are 16 Locations for this study

See Locations Near You

Glendale Memorial Hospital
Glendale California, 91204, United States
South Orange County Surgical Medical Group
Laguna Hills California, 92653, United States
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
Long Beach California, 90806, United States
Sutter Roseville Medical Center /Research
Roseville California, 95661, United States
Sutter Cancer Center
Sacramento California, 95816, United States
UC Davis Cancer Center
Sacramento California, 95817, United States
Scripps Cancer Center
San Diego California, 92037, United States
University of Colorado Cancer Center
Aurora Colorado, 80045, United States
Yale Cancer Center
New Haven Connecticut, 06520, United States
Georgetown University Hospital
Washington District of Columbia, 20007, United States
University of Miami
Miami Florida, 33136, United States
Atlanta Colon and Rectal Surgery
Riverdale Georgia, 30274, United States
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center
Bronx New York, , United States
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem North Carolina, 27157, United States
Ohio State University
Columbus Ohio, 43212, United States
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston Texas, 77030, United States
Franciscan Research Center
Tacoma Washington, 98405, United States
Landeskrankenhaus Feldkirch
Feldkirch , , Austria
Krankenhaus der Elisabethinen
Linz , , Austria
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna , , Austria
University of Hong Kong/ Queen Mary Hospital
Hong Kong , , China
Odense Universitetshospital
Odense , , Denmark
CRLC Val d'Aurelle-Paul Lamarque
Montpellier , , France
Klinikum Rechts Der Isar
Munich , , Germany
Matsuda Hospital
Hamamatsu , , Japan
Medisch Centrum Alkmaar
Alkmaar , , Netherlands
Medisch Spectrum Twente
Enschede , , Netherlands
Hoorn , , Netherlands
Leiden , , Netherlands
Vall d' Hebron University Hospital
Barcelona , , Spain
IDIBELL Institut Catala d'Oncologia (ICO)
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat , , Spain
Immunology Akademiska sjukhuset/ University Hospital
Uppsala , , Sweden
Kantonsspital Baden
Baden , , Switzerland
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Norwich , , United Kingdom
University of Oxford
Oxford , , United Kingdom

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Study is for people with:

Colon Cancer

Estimated Enrollment:


Study ID:


Recruitment Status:

Unknown status



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