Von Hippel-Lindau Disease / Resource Page
      Medically Reviewed
      SurvivorNet Fact Checking and Medical Review Standards:   The SurvivorNet News Team creates high quality medical information that complies with our industry leading standards for factual accuracy and sourcing from leading experts at academic medical institutions. Every news article is thoroughly fact-checked by our physician collaborators. We vet each piece of work for factual integrity, impartiality, and clearly label any professional conflicts. All SurvivorNet articles adhere to the following standards:
      1. All studies and research papers cited are from reputable academic medical institutions or peer-reviewed journals.
      2. When we use data, statistics, or quotes these references link to the original source.
      3. All content related to new treatments, drugs, procedures, and so on must clearly describe availability, side effects, treatment target (such as triple negative breast cancer)
      4. All medical information on SurvivorNet is sourced from respected medical professionals with verified medical credentials and links are provided to these sources.
      5. We strive to give the reader relevant background information and include, clearly-sourced contextual health information in all articles
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      / Updated November 15th, 2022

      Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome: Kidney Cancer


      Patient Pathfinder

      Can we help you? Have you been diagnosed with Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) Disease?

      Are you looking for treatment options?

      VHL is an inherited disease that can cause cysts and tumors to form throughout the body.

      You may want to check out this article about the disease, and possible symptoms.

      The link below will take you to a roundup of the treatment options for VHL.

      The guide on this page features all the basics you may need to know about Von Hippel-Disease.

      "Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner"-- StarJennifer Grey, 64, 'Thrilled' To Be In Comedy— How She Beat Thyroid Cancer 15 Years Ago & Crippling Anxiety
      What Are My Options With Early-Stage Disease?
      A Tailored Approach to Liver Cancer Treatment
      Everything You Need To Know About Having A Liver Transplant
      Surgery for Liver Cancer: Who is Eligible and What to Expect
      Elahere - A New Treatment For Ovarian Cancer That Has Returned

      Introducing, the Journey Bar

      Use this bar to access information about the steps in your cancer journey.